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Flow / Pack
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(630) 778-7773
Flow / Pack

Our Moldex3D Flow and Pack Software Products

Maximize your manufacturing capabilities with EPS FloTek, LLC, a trusted provider of high-quality plastics engineering services. We specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions to manufacturing companies, helping them stay at the forefront of their industries. See our innovative flow and pack software products below.

Moldex3D Flow

Moldex3D Flow

This software product’s explicit analysis capabilities give you a deeper insight into plastic flow behaviors, from macro to micro view. It includes fountain flow, inertia effect, and gravity effect. Moldex3D Flow can help you understand how melt flow progresses, identify where weld surfaces are, and detect short-shot problems.

Moldex3D Pack

Moldex3D Pack

Moldex3D Pack is one of our innovative plastics engineering software products. This software can investigate all the factors involved in the packing process, including material choice, gate design, and processing conditions. You can even use this product for thick plastic components or parts with extreme thickness changes. It uses true 3D technology to help you determine gate freeze time, efficient packing time, and proper packing pressure to minimize areas of high volumetric shrinkage.

Get Started With Our Services

Work with an experienced injection molding company for reliable plastics engineering software products. Request a quote for our products and services today.

Contact us today for more information about our plastics engineering software products.