Receive high-quality products and optimize your process with our reliable solutions. EPS FloTek, LLC is a worldwide leader in plastics engineering services, covering critical stages of the manufacturing process. Our comprehensive mold analysis services include filling, packing, and cooling to produce top-quality products that meet our clients’ requirements. We evaluate and optimize your manufacturing processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing production costs.
The initial stage of plastics manufacturing is the Mold Filling Analysis, which is vital in determining the overall quality of the finished products. During this stage, we examine the conditions that occur during the initial flow of plastic material into the cavity. Our team reviews the balance and size of the runner, gate number, size, and location to address issues on time. Additionally, our team completes the following tasks:
Our Mold Packing Analysis services cover the second stage of plastics manufacturing, from packing and holding to cooling. Our team carefully analyzes gate size, location, and balance to identify improvement areas. With our advanced tools and techniques, we assist our clients with the following:
Mold Cooling Analysis is the final stage of the plastics manufacturing process, and it determines the quality and characteristics of the product. This service evaluates channel design, flow conditions, water temperature, and mold steel conductivity. The cooling stage is a reliable solution that ensures the final quality of the products by completing the following tasks:
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